Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A housewarming encourages a housewarming...

After a fab nite at the Aussie bar on Friday...the rest of my weekend was spent enjoying the lovely festivities of Scott's housewarming party.....and yes...ladies and gentleman...Scott moved into his condo nearly a month AFTER I moved into mine...and place is empty..and his place is suave, painted, furnished and filled with normal-people stuff! Why its taking me so long?? I honestly don't know...I do believe that carrying things on the subway alone is a contributing well as lack of funding....and..let's be real people..I'm a lazy mofo. But at least his housewarming has given me motivation and encouragement to FINALLY get my place together for my own housewarming!! Yay!

In any case, good times were had by all at the housewarming are some pics:

Mon and host, Scott

Me, Stepfordgrl n Dre

litte becs n me

Dre, Mon n Shola

Moi and Buki

The host...opening his presents...thanks for the gift advice fake e, it was a success!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Aussie invasion??

It seems like you can get out of Oz..but can never get the Oz out of you...or get it to stop following you around! Hit up Filthy McNasty's on King Street on friday nite with Big K and his crew for a farewell...and it seems that the pub caters to Aussie party-goers...yes that's right...Naiqueen manages to find the only bar in all of Toronto full of Aussies (wearing yellow Oz cricket jersies and all!) I just a magnet for them? Do they secretly KNOW that I can't stop missing/thinking about Oz so they follow me around the city to rub it in my face?? And why is every bar-back in every pub in this city a hot scruffy Oz boy? Can anyone explain this phenomenon? Ugh....I just want it out of my system....let me forget ppl..please!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

In loving memory...

Said goodbye to an old friend from the past last week....I hope you find the peace you were searching for Andy will be missed...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Oh such grace..oh such beauty

So OK Go in concert?....just as fab as in their videos....went to check their concert out last night at the Mod Club with little becs and Big K...good times were had by all...French Kicks opened for them...interesting say the least..too tired to write of this week...I'm officially the senior writer for the corporate affairs team at that bank I work at....and as a result of this new position..i have to start coming in an hour earlier for i'm running on about 4 hrs sleep now....and would love to be back in my bed...damn you concert for starting so late! rock concerts are definitely not conducive to those who work...but oh so worth it..

Friday, November 10, 2006

When is a relationship actually a relationship?

When you're traveling...and get involved in a it actually a relationship? or a fling? I was having this conversation with someone the other day....and told them about a relationship I had while traveling..and their first reaction was " you mean it was a fling!"....and that made me think..when you're living overseas...your mind and mentality is still in vacation when you're involved with someone and in that state of it really nothing more than just a vacation fling that lasted a little longer that it should have? is it possible to have a relationship...while you're on "vacation"? hmmmm....this adds immense potential to my already fling-filled dating resume...


Thursday, November 09, 2006

Harvey' really is a beautiful thing...

Today marks a very special occasion...for the first time in over a year...I indulged in a Harvey's Original Cheeseburger...with all the fixings I love...yes that's right...all you healthy wheat-germ-shooting tofu-eating yoga-ing people can kiss my big fat brown ass because I LOVED every single moment of it. Harvey's burgers were the one burger place I sorely missed during my time in Oz.... and I think I had put off my re-introduction to them long enough...and what a fabulous experience it was...

mmmm buuurger..

On a brighter note...I found this interesting article today while perusing on sums up the kind of mentality the writer thinks one should have when dealing with a break-up..and its fabulous..and its everything i've been preaching to friends of mine dealing with break-ups for the last few months...*see miltee....its everything we talked about the other nite!*..but really..i feel like it speaks the truth and it really is as simple as that....sometimes you just have to take the bull by the horns and re-gain control of your life...anyways...anyone dealing with a bad break-up..give it a read...its quite interesting!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Welcome Blogger!

Ha ha...we've converted another one! A.A. has joined us from Stepford (aka London, Ont.) with her blog A.A.'s Page....yay...welcome!!

Damn you little becs with your tagging :)

October 2001...


WHERE DID YOU LIVE? London, Ontario

WHERE DID YOU GO TO SCHOOL? University of Western Ontario


WHERE DID YOU HANG OUT? At the boys' place...the drink and the ridout...any place with alcohol and good music....Symposium...and at mine and ange's place with the boys...always with the boys...

HOW WAS YOUR HAIR? short...chin-length

DID YOU WEAR BRACES? not in 2001..


WHO WAS YOUR BEST FRIEND? Jeffy..Ange and Ash...

WHO WAS YOUR REGULAR-PERSON CRUSH? I think it was Garett...or was that 2000? I dont remember anymore..i lost too many brain cells due to binge drinking in those years...



WHAT CAR DID YOU DRIVE? didn't have a car...

WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE BAND/GROUP? can't remember...but that's when i discovered reggae and dancehall music...

WHAT WAS YOUR WORST FEAR? Not getting into grad school

HAD YOU SMOKED A CIGARETTE YET? i'd smoked a gazillion cigs by then..

HAD YOU BEEN ARRESTED? no....but had been stopped by the police when i was with my boyfriend because they thought i was a hooker...yep...a baggy skater pants and a outfit to pick up clients in eh?

HAD YOU BEEN TO A REAL PARTY YET? dude...i was in third year of university..i'd JUST turned legal in canada...what the hell do you think??

SINGLE/TAKEN/MARRIED/DIVORCED? oh it was a mix of single, taken and being a whore..

October 2006...


WHERE DO YOU LIVE? Toronto, Ontario

WHERE DO YOU GO TO SCHOOL? *sniff* *bawl* nowhere..I'm done school now and am imprisoned in the corporate world for the rest of my life...

WHERE DO YOU WORK? a Canadian financial institution

WHERE DO YOU HANG OUT? bars, restaurants, my condo, other ppl's there everywhere...

WHAT IS YOUR HAIRSTYLE? shoulder length choppy layers...with highlights growing out..

DO YOU HAVE BRACES? if I didn't have them in 2001 why would I have them in 2006? really..who wrote this damn questionnaire?!?!

DO YOU WEAR GLASSES? yes...again..the chances are...that if I wore glasses in 2001..I probably still wear them now unless some large amount of money magically appeared in my bank account and paid for laser eye surgery...


WHO IS YOUR REGULAR-PERSON CRUSH? No one..i'm a stone-cold bitch now...thats what happens when you grow up!

HOW MANY PIERCINGS DO YOU HAVE? 5...had to get rid of the tongue piercing eventually...

HOW MANY TATTOOS? still 1...

WHAT KIND OF CAR DO YOU HAVE? still no car...ask about homes dammit..not cars..THEN i can give you an answer!

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BAND/GROUP? too many to tell...but i stay true to my backstreet boys from back in the day :o) yes thats read correctly...

WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? not finding love again...and not finding the happiness i used to have again..

HAVE YOU BEEN ARRESTED? not yet...but still keeping my fingers crossed

SINGLE/TAKEN/MARRIED/DIVORCED? oh its still a mix of single, taken and being a whore ;o)

Friday, November 03, 2006

Discouraging single life?

Are delivery services trying to tell us young, urban, single professionals that there may be something wrong with our way of life? I don't understand that, when you buy something, or order some kind of service and you try to arrange for its delivery..they tell you that their hours of operation are anywhere between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. So basically this means..there'd better be someone home during the weekday or else you ain't gettin your shit. Now...correct me if I'm wrong...but most And most people....have a 9-5 schedule...correct me if I'm wrong. this case...if you're single...and you work...and you can't exactly take a day off every time you need something delivered...WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO DO?! It seems that these companies are still stuck in a time-period where most people were married by the time they were buying furniture for their own place...and that most homes were single-income what..the WIFE is supposed to be at home to open the door? What are people who don't have wives to sit at home and open the door supposed to do when they need something delivered? In this day and age...where most people buy homes when they're still single..and even if people are married...they are dual-income'd THINK that delivery companies would catch on to the fact that perhaps an evening and weekend delivery schedule is a little more with our times...but...please do correct me if I'm wrong...