Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Panda Cam

Having a bad day? Want to see the cutest thing EVER?? Michele forwarded me a link yesterday while we were at work..I was having a shitty day....and trust me...this makes it all better. It's live, 24-hr footage of the panda cub that was just born last month at the Atlanta Zoo in Georgia..shooo cute...I could literally spend ALL DAY watching this panda cam thing. I want one...someone buy me a panda cub for Christmas!!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Ok GO!

Ok....so I know that by now...the whole world is keen on OK Go because of their famous treadmill dance which started out as a youtube video and then ended up at this year's MTV Video Music Awards. If you haven't yet seen the video, DUDE, you gotta see it...they are brilliant.

"Here It Goes Again" by OK Go

Buy OK Go - Oh No at iTunes.
Video courtesy of www.okgo.net

So when I first saw this on the MTV Awards...I thought they were just a group of fabulous guys doing a fun little number....but I also thought...gosh this song is awesome....I wish I knew who sang it. Of course...being the genius that I am....I didn't realize that OK Go was actually a REAL band....yep....you betcha...a REAL...BONAFIDE...BAND! And Oh my...what a band!! Their latest album...Oh No...is just brilliant...image the killers but happier and lighter and fluffier...its just fabulous..and I am officially in love with this band....and hoorah...they're coming to Toronto!! November 13th...at the Mod Club....and oh yes....the Jinkerjacket is going..

You can read all about the band on their website, and check out their other videos! Whoever does their choreography is just brilliant...brilliant I tell you! The boys are also avid bloggers...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Game over...

Sooo....when a guy you work with...someone you've been jonesing for for quite some time...and have been casually flirting with..asks you for coffee...two days in a row...and proceeds to discuss his relationship situation with you during those coffee breaks...and then...asks if you're single...you'd think it was in the bag right? i mean...he's asked you for coffee twice...and wants to know if you're single....you WOULD think....that...he's slightly interested...yes? yes i think so..most people would agree...

So theeen....how does it end up....that you see that same guy..only the NEXT DAY after you have coffee with them...asking out some OTHER chick in the office....to go for drinks after work...how do you figure that works?? cuz really..i just can't seem to wrap my head around it....i mean...you flirt with me on a daily basis...you send me cute little flirty emails...you ask me to go on breaks all the time...but then you go and ask out some next girl that you've never even had a conversation with until the moment you asked her out?? REALLY? is that the way things go now? Well then...it looks like i have to seriously re-consider my game plan...and perhaps step it up a little in this sick and twised toronto world of dating....now i remember why i left in the first place...

Word of advice: stay away from the curly red-headed pretty boys that are too cocky for their own damn good....


Monday, October 16, 2006

T'was the first night...

Well done and DONE..i'm officially moved into the yonge & sheppard condo....I spent my first night in it on Saturday...and it was SPLENDID...let me tell you...just fabulous...

I have a mattress, a set of dishes, a cuisinart coffee maker (its GORGEOUS), an empty spice rack and absolutely no furniture...but I still love it....and its amazing how productive you can be without cable! The place is slowly...veeery slowly....coming together....despite there being no furniture....mmmmm how i love it....

Saturday, October 14, 2006

New blogger...hoorah...

Congrats Scandalous Jones! welcome to blogging.....

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

my little secret...

You may notice that after Day 3...my countdown to days of non-smoking suddenly trailed off....well i can assure you that all your suspicions of why this may be are correct...yes...i fell off the wagon...far....far..faaar off the wagon....Day 4 proved fatal to my anti-smoking plan and I caved on the eighth hour....weekends were never my strength as my hedonistic desires are always at peak levels during those days....so...i take a final bow and walk off the stage...

On a brighter note....the 3 days of not smoking have opened my eyes into just how strong my will power is....i'm not gonna lie...i didn't even think I would make it for three days.....so....that said....altho i have fallen off the wagon...i have maintained my cigarette intake to just one a day...and a maximum of two on exceptionally stressful days....this is a record low for the ashtray Naiqueen....and for my first attempt at quitting....i think two a day is a good start to phasing out cigarettes altogether!

Monday, October 09, 2006

I am thankful for...

Well another Thanksgiving has come and gone.....this year's dinner festivities were a little different from last year's...mainly because turkey was consumed...rather than two gimongous chickens....and funny enough....people apparently don't eat with their hands on thanksgiving..maybe it was just our sydney-sider family tradition..hehe....this year's thanksgiving was fabulous....at my aunt and uncle's......nothing beats a cosy dinner with family.....

No photos from this year's events....Naiqueen's camera has finally died..yes..its true...I think I exhausted her over the last year....she's gone through at least 6,000 photos after all! But here's a re-cap of what happened on this day in 2005:

Mmmmmmm chiiiicken.....ah let the good times roll....


Friday, October 06, 2006

...and not what loves you back...

Day 3 and I've learned that while I may love cigarette smoking....the cigarettes love me more...because they are taunting and tempting me....and calling my name...yes you read correctly...the cigarettes are calling my name....

"pssst...nadine....over here....look how beautiful this filter is...you know you want to smoke it..."

*deep sigh*....they always look so beautiful in the ads....and in my hand...and when i'm inhaling them....

Thursday, October 05, 2006

..and I love cigarettes..

Day Two of quitting smoking plan....so far...I'm still smoke-free...altho last night I nearly caved...and I tried to rationalize with myself...that perhaps instead of quitting complete smoking altogether...i should just cut down and smoke one at night time before bed...because...we all know...that i can't sleep unless i have a cigarette...so anyways....as i was ABOUT to follow through with this plan...i realized...that i had left my back-up cigarettes at work....just to save myself in the event of such a situation. So I chose, instead, to toss and turn for 3 hrs in bed until I finally fell asleep....and then..i found this pic online:

Apparently....this picture is supposed to be an incredible anti-smoking influence...and a deterrant..i'm sorry...but the state i'm in right now....that ashtray full of cigarettes just wants makes me want a cigarette EVEN MORE.....*sob*....

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

You are what you love...

So...its a official....yesterday my condo closed...and i am now the proud owner of my yonge & sheppard home....have keys and everything...its amazing.....lol...dear god when did i become a grown up?... to top it all off....to celebrate this new and fresh start....*you might want to sit down for this*...i'm quitting smoking....yes...that's right...naiqueen...the chimney....the ashtray...has decided that its finally time. I bought these new Nicorette inhaler things....which provides the same type of nicotine as the patch...but through an inhaler..its supposed to help the hand-to-mouth urges (well...the smoking related ones at least!)....so today is the first day of my new life....i'll keep you all posted on the success of this incredibly brave feat....wish me luck! so far..its going well....i've managed to avoid the first calling for a bunga with my morning coffee...

p.s.....you might want to stay away from me for at least the next two weeks..just in case your head suddenly starts looking like the end of a cigarette to me....or also in the event that you wish NOT to encounter an insane cranky and frustrated bitch...

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Welcome to the world of blogging little becs! join us in an ever-changing adventure of finding new ways to waste more time at work....its fabulous...really...

Check out little becs' blog at http://shessostrange.blogspot.com/