Saturday, January 28, 2006

No longer homeless..

I found a home! woohoo! The place is's a 6 bedroom house on Cleveland street...literally right behind SG's can see his backyard from my bedroom window. Very cool. Close to all the amenities and bars, and within walking distance of Paddington where I intend to go looking for jobs this week. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Also, Jade-o treated me to a FABULOUS concert last night. Went to see MIA...for anyone who doesn't know her...she's fabulous. She's a brit but her background is Sri Lankan. Her music is like a brit-brown-soca and dancehall infused type of hip hop....very difficult to explain so just listen to her won't regret it. Her newest album is Arular I think:

Pic from

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Being a Sydneysider is good...

Finally!! Back in the civilized, alcohol-drinking, cigarette-smoking, debauchery of Sydney! It's January...and 40 damn degrees outside....and I will continue rubbing it in your faces until I'm back in Toronto weather with the lot of you! HAHAHAH. Oh I'm so evil. Anyways, here are some pics from the Desi land now that I've had the chance to upload them:

Anyways, so I'm back, I celebrated my 24th on the 25th....and spent the entire next day recovering from celebrating my 24th. That's when you know you're getting old...when it takes you an entire day to get over a sad. The birthday partying consisted of a gourmet pizza dinner with the fab bf Subcontinental Giant...the new roommate who took Swiss Martin's place...and his German friend who's backpacking around Oz. Dinner was followed by drinks at Gaslight Inn where Jade and Brett joined us, and ended at Bar Cleveland where I must admit I had too many shots. A fabulous night all together. Missed all my Toronto cats (and London (ontario and england!), Cayman and Barbados cats too!) for my annual birthday dinner bash...but I guess you make do with what you got! Thanks to all who sent me cards and pressies....the Jacob pressie from Ms. Ashley was definately fabulous!!! Thank you!! Here are some photos:

Me and the Big man

Jade and Brett

Liza and Til (the new Martin)

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Birthday Announcements...

Happy Birthday to the junky and Candygirl!! Hope the parties are debaucherous (am I making up words now?!) and the gossip reaches Oz. ;o) Missing you guys tons...

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Eid Mubarek!

The mehndhi is on my salwar kameez fitted and purchased...cows and goats...sweets and other finger foods...all ready for Eid! wee. It's my first Eid back in Bangladesh since....hmm...2000 I think. And so far it's been fun...the women here go nuts for it....get new dresses, their make-up and nails done, hair did....and can't forget the mehndhi (otherwise known as henna) on the hands...this year my cousin did mine....she happens to be an incredible pro! as many of you know..i loooove henna and do it/have it done as often as i can.

Anyways, since it's taken me an entire week..if not more...just to log onto blogger cuz the connection here is...not so good...i'll make this quick so as to post before i lose the connection! A safe and happy Eid to everyone celebrating...and also to those not but wanting to be part of the club! :o) Leaving the desi land in just under two weeks...and to be honest i couldn't be happier...coming back is great...but after a while the fact that its a whole other world down here takes its im definately looking forward to returning to sydney! home sweet least for the next few months...then...who knows?!

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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Back in the Desi land...

Well here I am...back in Dhaka after two years and it's still the same. It's like time just stands still in this country, which is kind of nice when you expect it to rekindle some of your childhood memories. This year, however, things are just a little different as I'm missing my favourite uncle who is finally at peace. Other than that...the family is doing fabulous....and the home cooking is doing even better!! :o)

HAPPY NEW YEAR by the way...had a fabulous time..went to watch the Opera House fireworks out in Balmain (a Sydney suburb) with the Junky, Jadeo, Anand, Bilal and their two friends from the states Ahsen and Short Dog. Set up a blanket in a park with tons of other party-goers and got completely and utterly wasted. I never realized how fun it could be to get hammered in a park with your feet in the grass...just fabulous. Will update with pics once I get back to Sydney....can't use my computer here and all my pics are on it. Hope everyone enjoyed their new years celebrations with whatever you did. Would love to hear about them...feel free to comment or leave a msg on my tag board!

P.S...miss you baby!
