Monday, August 27, 2007

Hurray hurray....

Today, I'm happy. And today, I'm singing: and I was your silver lining, as the story goes, I was your silver lining, but now I'm gold.

I want to see them in concert, someone find me a ticket to their Sept. 18 show...NOW.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Summer lovin...

Ah August....the humidity..the thunderstorms...all lovely reminders that the summer is soon ending (or has ended, in my opinion) and nothing but snow and frostbite awaits us. Since my summer has more or less sucked due to an extended familial imposition, I've decided that my initial plans to visit C in the UK, and former flatmates/neighbours in the Swiss-land may have to be postponed. The desire to spend December in a country colder than here, when I detest winter, is almost non-existent. I have yet to tell the Swiss-landers...(S and M...please don't be mad, I'll be there in the summer instead!), but the trip has been re-routed to sunny and beachy Grand Canaria! I am dragging the C-man along because he needs to party and meet beautiful Spanish women, so you'd better be packing bud!
In other news, to make the best of the short summer days....we've been celebrating with a month-long drinkfest:
Danny Boy came up to visit! wooooot!

@ ultra and the good ol' maddy

me upon discovering that this random boy knew McIsaac..i'm sad..i know.. @ Chehosky's...we had a riveting Snake sighting here...brought back the good ol' Degrassi days and got JJ all flustered!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Blogging or Facebook?

The debate is on between myself and my D at work, who is ever increasingly seeking out more innovative communication tools. The question on deck: What is more effective as a communication tool, Facebook or blogging?

Team JJ thinks blogging is more effective, because it is engaging and allows for audience feedback. It also allows readers to be part of the creation process, making them feel all warm and fuzzy inside because they get to see their published comments in a very public forum.

Team D thinks Facebook is more effective, because of the sheer volume of members who have signed-up, as well as the mass media attention it's receiving in the Western Hemisphere (any info on media coverage down South, in Europe, Africa, Down Under or elsewhere, folks?).

In my opinion, while it's a good place to keep in touch with brief back-and-forth messages, it doesn't allow for engaging two-way communication as well as blogs do. And, let's not forget the Facebook many Facebook-ers are actually tweens who are just trying to rack up as many friends on their friends list as possible...because it's cool? Would businesses benefit from disseminating information to an audience that doesn't really care and would most likely never read it? Bah, how do you talk sense into a man who gets his technology tips from his 13-yr-old kids?!?