Sunday, March 25, 2007

Kickball anyone?

Fun times this weekend...the junky + bf, little becs, K and his J and of to check out the battle of the kickball bands at White Orchid on Saturday..the bands were all interesting to say the least....Shitt Hott of course rocked the house...but another favourite of mine was also Shawn Jurek & Team Power...check them out around the city if you get a chance...and i think Shawn Jurek is also a solo performer so do check him out....he is fantabulous...

The battle was a fundraiser for toronto kickball...wooo kickball....i must admit that i'm thoroughly excited for the upcoming kickball season...which *I believe*...starts in the will mean my return to team sports after an almost decade-long hiatus...kudos to the junky who convinced me that drunken sports with indie rockers would be an exceptional way to spend the summer...

On a very unrelated sidenote: I am crushing hard on Sufjan Stevens...after only recently discovering him during a *brief encounter* on a flight back from New York..been listening to his Greetings from Michigan album and am completely head-over-heels-in-love...a particular favourite is his For the Widows in Paradise, For the Fatherless in have a listen because you will not regret it! (did I forget to mention that he is also friends *and went to school with* Jhumpa Lahiri..famed author of The Namesake..which has now been turned into a movie? yah....that's right...) stay tuned and if his music doesn't make you feel like you're lying at sundown on a beach listening to the waves of the ocean while enjoying a fabulous high....we may have words to exchange!


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

New York, New Yooork...what a wonderful town!

Well I'm back from New York City...delayed going there....misplaced luggage...and delayed coming back..anyways...that out of the way...the trip to NYC was overall a good time....landed on Thursday and checked out Grand Central Station..Rockefellar centre...the United Nations headquarters..Times Square...and had my first slice of New York pizza..mmm delicious...
friday was a bust because there was a massive snow storm..and there was about 20 inches of snow in the streets...clever me decided to leave her winter coat and boots in T by about 3pm I was walking around the city in sopping wet socks and shoes...nevertheless..still tried to make it out on the staten island ferry to catch a glimpse of the statue of liberty..and what a glimpse it was! downtown nyc was just a cloud of white...and the statue of liberty was barely visible through the storm...ah well...after arriving back downtown from staten island...we (N and I) headed down to ground zero which was really overwhelming..but they've started construction on the site now which is good...
friday nite we headed out to a japanese restaurant Aja...really cool place...they had fish tanks under the floor so you could see them as you walked..and a massive buddha fountain with gobs of money coming out of very cool...

so the saturday after the massive snow storm was not our attempts to make it to the St. Patty's Day Parade on 5th avenue...our shoes got soaked so we decided head down to Soho to find some boots...and we found them! saturday night we head out to a caribbean restaurant and I had fabulous ackee and saltfish...mmm i've been craving it so long....then we head out to a pub to get our st. patty's day celebrations on! don't ask me why there was a moosehead in the bar... apparently shrek also comes out to visit on St. Patty's Day...
sunday the weather finally started to clear up and i headed out to the empire state building....then hit up a Sex in the City Tour with A in the afternoon....followed by a broadway play Avenue Q...and late-night chinese food in China eh?
recognize that last picture? yep....that's us sitting on Carrie Bradshaw's stoop...smoking ourselves some marlies....mmmm....

my last day there i headed up to central park for some scenic shots...then FINALLY made my way home...after a 4-hour delay and 6 hours of sitting in Newark international airport i was completely miserable..only to be cheered up by a little indie rocker boy I chatted with on the flight back...hurrah for cute little indie rocker boys who come to the rescue!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Ides of March will soon be upon us...

Road trippp....wooo....well not really..more like a plane new york....on the ides of march..yes that's heard me...i'm flying on the ides of march...perhaps not the smartest decision i've ever fact...throughout my brief past..i've never once done a risky thing on the ides of just never know...but this i new york of all places....wish me luck!! on a brighter note...I'M GOING TO NEW YORK......and a bonus..i'll be celebrating St. Patty's in the second homeland of the irish! woooooo......kiss me now!!!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

toasted coconuts and me...

So last week....I had this amazing toasted coconut flavoured coffee at a local cafe...and it was the best to of course..Mr. Espresso's flat whites made with love and tender care by previous manager Fil.... *sniff and tears by the way*...anyways...I ever since I tasted this drop of heaven...I've been OBSESSED with finding a way to make it at home....I even went as a far as to sprinkle coconut flakes INTO the ground coffee..but to no avail....all my attempts failed. my surprise..I came into work yesterday morning to find a small bottle of coconut extract and a note from the junky.."try THIS in your coffee"....and guess worked! yay splendid fantastic wonderful...even more reasons to get all crazy-like with my morning coffee....deeeeelicious! thanks junky!

Monday, March 05, 2007

This is how addictions start...

Well this past weekend was one of the most fantabulous weekends ever....and guess what..there was no partying involved! that's right....i'm a boring old lady now....but a boring old lady who...ROCK CLIMBS....yep yep...the ladies and I went to check out our local Toronto Climbing Academy for a beginner's lesson with one FINE climbing instructor...most of us were scared shitless but it turned out to be an awesome experience....we learned how to do the double-8 knot and how to set-up a how to belay..and most to climb! all of us made it to the tops of a few walls..which was exciting...AND i managed to climb 3/4 of a 5.8 wall...(the level of difficulty of a climbing wall is determined by a measurement system which goes from 5.4 to 5.14)....its a serious rush...and so addictive cuz no matter how tired and sore you still want to keep climbing! little becs and I both signed up for one-month memberships...and no...NOT just because our instructor..oh lovely instructor...was we're going to become rock-climbing pros....wooo...oh and by the way...i am unable to move any part of my body today...because of the intense pain!


Thursday, March 01, 2007

To the creepy Anonymous Stalker:

Ah! My friend Shakespeare - so dead and so broke -
Many more artful words has he penned,
Than for which you or I could hope
- more crafty than your words which only offend.

Five cent'ries have taken this man whose verse,
Was born from feeling, heart, those things you lack,
For heart and sadness are what made the curse,
And of this you know naught, so why talk back?

You ask for a challenge, I can't accept
For this would be wasted on you, so weak,
Cowards are no match, as they are inept,
Unfit to know when a true heart doth speak.

Ah! Coward, there are few who write, 'tis true,
So few who write, as badly as you.