Friday, October 26, 2007

Your wish is my command...

M: "When I was traveling alone in Cuba, I got super super sick, and I was so freaked out because I was all alone and no one around me spoke English - I was staying with some locals in a small village. I thought I would have to go back home! It can be so scary traveling through Cuba alone."

A: "Yah, I totally know what you mean. When I first moved to Sydney, I was there for a WHOLE WEEK by myself before everyone else came. And I was staying in CHINATOWN!! Omigosh, you can't imagine how freaky that was."

JJ + M thinking in their heads: "Did that really just happen? Oh yes, that's right, she really is that ignorant and stupid."

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A day of rest

I am really hungover today...really really really hungover. So let me be, I'll post tomorrow. Blah.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

All about the art...

Work has been insane, and I have had no time or energy to maintain my blog, as you can see. So even tho it's better late than never, as promised, my Nuit Blanche post:

So Toronto had it's second annual Nuit Blanche event this year (I thought I had blogged about the first one last year, but apparently I didn't, oh well!). The event is an all-night contemporary art crawl through the city (it goes on in other cities around the world, as well), and this year over a million people walked through the streets of Toronto to bask in the glory of local, national and international artists. This year's event was a bit different for me, since I worked half of it. Got to start out the night at the official VIP launch, where I met the mayor, some media ppl and randoms I didn't know. After the reception, it was off to some photoshoots, and THEN - the most exciting event for me at least - a photoshoot in the ghost subway station that was built underneath our normal subway line, called Lower Bay Station. The station was also the site of a sound installation as part of the Nuit Blanche exhibit - there's a whole other blog about it so read about it here, it's very cool. So while we were in the tunnel photographing, I ended up getting to be part of the shoot! Lol, not officially, but they let me have the pics as a keepsake. Very fun, and now I definitely have a lot more sympathy for those ANTM girls! All in all it was an awesome night and yay for next year's event!


Wednesday, October 03, 2007

That's the way the cookie crumbles..or in this brain.

I am slowly going crazy 1 2 3 4 5 6 switch! Crazy going slowly am I 6 5 4 3 2 1 switch!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Le sigh...le frustration.

Yes, I promise my Nuit Blanche post is coming..I've just had some back-and-forth on ethics in posting a'll see what I mean when I post it (clearly, ethics lost the battle).

But first, boys. Ah, boys. The cliché phrase "you can't live with them, you can't live without them," has so much truth to it, doesn't it? Let me begin by saying that I do love boys, all kinds of boys, all shapes and sizes of boys (I know what you're thinking right now and shame on your dirty mind!), and especially the yummy boys. At the same time, though, they frustrate the hell out of me and sometimes I just want to punch-their-faces-in-until-they're-bruised-and-battered-and-are-on-their-knees-in-tears-and-crying-like-a-baby. Why all this anger you ask? Well, it's quite simple: the man-dar (think man + radar, if you're having difficulty). The man-dar, in my absolutely non-professional and psychotic opinion, is a man's ability to sense when you're not interested in them, thus resulting in their sudden overwhelming urge to hit on you...just for kicks. Now, many advice columnists and "experts" on telling women how they should behave in order to snag a man would tell you that this man-dar phenomenon might be due to the competitive nature of men, and their desire for a challenge. While this may be the case, I don't really care. I'm not interested in figuring out why it occurs, and why men come at you in floods rather than in a steady stream. I just want it to stop. In the last few weeks, I have been inundated with some of the most hilarious, inspiring, flattering and also the most pathetic, pick-up lines you can imagine and my question is, where have they all been in the last year?!? Why, when I am no longer interested in any way, shape or form, must they come in droves? Either maintain consistency, or just stop. I'm not interested in a flood after a drought, I just like consistent makes for a healthier, happier me.

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