Monday, December 31, 2007

A tribute to a great artist and an even greater friend.

On Dec. 28, 2007, the world lost a wonderful soul and I lost one of my closest and oldest friends. Vanessa Korany was a person who lived life to the fullest, unaware and unafraid of consequences. She let her heart guide her through life, and changed the lives of all those she touched. I know she will be deeply missed by her family, her friends, her students and everyone who ever crossed paths with her.

Vanessa, I will always love you and will cherish everything we shared together. From our great loves to heartbreaks to our conversations about bananas, you changed so much in my life and opened my eyes to a different world. I will miss you more than words can express, but until we meet again, may you rest in peace.

Vanessa Korany, Nov. 24 1981 - Dec. 28 2007.

Monday, December 24, 2007

My p.c. season's greetings to you all!

Happy Holidays folks! I'm back and forth during the holidays this year, so will be out of town for the next few days, and then I'll be headed to the Desi-land in January for a wedding (don't worry, you'll see pics of the glorious brown outfit I recently purchased and look like a goddess in). Will be back in the new year, so stayed tuned for another season of JJ's boring life.


Friday, December 14, 2007


Last night was the office Christmas party. I went to sleep 5 hours ago and am now at work. Unfortunately, my brain thinks I'm still at the bar. I will not delve into details, but it was everything a work Christmas party should never be and more like the kind you only hear about in hushed whispers around the water cooler for years to come.

Monday, December 03, 2007


I'm trying to understand why it is that women always go for assholes - the bad boy, as some would call it - when they have a perfectly wonderful person at hand? Is it because they have the innate human flaw of wanting what they can't have? Or, because they feel challenged by the chase (I guess, the female version of the man-dar *see labels for more info on this*)? Or, perhaps it's women's odd desire, but always eventual failure, to be that girl who was able to change him for the better? Either way, it's messed up and I would appreciate all you scientists doing something to remove this perplexing genetic disorder.


Sunday, December 02, 2007

3 weeks...ova and dun with...

Tomorrow will make 21 days since I quit smoking. Three long, painful, arduous weeks. I never really thought it would be this difficult; nor did I think there would be moments where I'd be driven to tears because I wanted to smoke so badly. I saw this little aussie flick a while ago with Heath Ledger in it - Candy. And there's this scene in the movie where he and his girlfriend (they're heroin addicts) are trying to quit so they lock themselves in a room with all the essentials they'll need as their bodies go through withdrawal. There's a moment where they're just writhing in bed and wretching...and just bawling. By no means am I comparing nicotine addiction to heroin addiction, but in all honesty, I never felt like an addict until I saw myself behaving exactly the same way those characters did in that scene. Trying to let go of an addiction (an addiction of ANY kind) just makes you do things you never thought you would do. It makes you unreasonable and unruly, and emotional as hell. And it doesn't just affect the addict who's trying to quit, but it affects everyone around them. I'm quite sure that had it not been for my very supportive friends (who threaten to smack me if i ever smoke again!), I would have relapsed by now.

They say the first three weeks are the worst, and that once you make it through those first weeks, the rest will be a breeze. I hardly doubt that not smoking for the rest of my life will be a breeze. When you spend most of your life as a smoker, rediscovering your identity as a person who doesn't smoke is a big challenge; and, I think that has been one of the hardest things for me to deal with. I've always been a smoker - it's been a very large part of my life, and a large part of who I am (which is sad, I know). Maybe I could just be a smoker who doesn't smoke anymore? That sounds a lot better than non-smoker!