Thursday, May 24, 2007

Algonquin and beyond...

I’ve taken a full four days to post about our long-weekend because…well…blogging about it would be admitting it’s over. That...and I’m lazy and was busy.

After two months of planning and organizing and e-mail chaining, 12 of us made it out to the Wolfden Bunkhouse 'n Cabins in Algonquin Provincial Park this past Victoria Day long-weekend. No, it wasn’t hardcore camping (I had enough of it last September in the Bruce to last me until the long-weekend in July), but it was a hostel with a bunch of cabins and shared kitchens, bathrooms, etc. (very similar to Pittwater in Sydney).
We arrived Saturday morning and set out for a hike to Ragged Falls, which was gorgeous and bug-ridden. Dipped our feet in some very cold water and hung out by the beach, then returned to the camp and began drinking at 4 p.m.., followed by a bbq FEAST and the essential campfire with smores.Sunday was a bright and early rise and shine for us, as we set out to the hiking trails. We started out at the Peck Lake trail and on our way there we had our first of 16 MOOSE sightings of the day (and my first moose sighting EVER) – was tres exciting. They are gigantic!! Very noble and majestic-looking. After Peck Lake we hit up Hemlock Bluff and had lunch at the top of the bluffs...was a great lookout point. After a bit of resting we checked out one last trail for the day - Beaver search of some beavers! Unfortunately...Mr. Beaver wasn't home but we saw some of his dens! Our final day there we set out for a 30 km bike ride...I have no words for that...other than..I was duped into the tortuous ride, which left me in pain for a week and hating bicycles for a lifetime. But at least the rest of the ladies had fun...we stopped at Rock Lake for lunch...before heading back on the trail. *thanks to some of my girls, I've used a few of your photos cuz apparently my camera doesn't like Aussie sand in it.

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Monday, May 14, 2007

In today's kickball news...

The sport has reached such awesome-ity that kickball was actually quoted today on local blog Torontoist. Apparently, those folks over in D.C., are hardcore about their kickball. Just thought I would warn fellow Toronto kickballers..that.. with any defamatory remarks (as if there could even ever be defamatory remarks about the gloriousness that is kickball!), make sure you don't slapped in the face with a $356K lawsuit!
