Wednesday, February 13, 2008

T'was the thirteenth day of February...

Today should be memorable. Today should be unique and historic. Today should be the first day of a completely new path and new beginnings. Because today, I crossed the third-month mark as a smoke-free person, which generally means you're in the clear to be smoke-free for life. But why oh why does it feel like just another day of craving that glorious sensation of the first drag hitting the back of your throat? And why does the thought of that tingling feeling that hits your lips as you exhale seem so exquisite? *sigh* 3 months. cheers, I suppose.

Monday, February 04, 2008

I'm still here...

I'm here, I'm still here. Sorry for the long hiatus, but I've been hibernating over the last month due to a number of issues I don't feel like discussing. Was in Bangladesh at the beginning of last month and I wish I could say it was a fabulous time, but unfortunately what was supposed to be wedding bliss turned out to be wedding hell. And what was supposed to be a relaxing and pleasant vacation with family and friends turned out to be an emotional upheaval of the past. What kept me sane was my little six-month old nephew, but it makes me sad to know that I'm missing all his little baby moments while he's there and I'm here.

Anyways, here I am back in the winter arctic of Toronto and it sucks. I have only two things to say today: I am getting a puppy (!), and I am still smoke-free (almost 3 months!).

Nessa I miss you.