Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Ding! Dong! The blog is dead!

I have finally come to the realisation that this blog is dead. I have grown tired of communicating my life stories with you (and I'm quite sure you're tired of hearing them). Quite honestly, I write all day at work and have absolutely no desire to come home and then write some more. But, before I bid you adieu, I will indulge you with some of the highlights of my recept trip to Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands, where I went to visit Oli and catch up on some sun.

My first day there, I managed to catch the last day of carnival in Maspalomas in the southern part of the island. The ladies and I stayed in an adorable hotel for the night and partied in the streets till the wee hours of the night, fully decked out in costumes of course. My highlight of the evening was...drumroll first time getting hit on by a lesbian! woohoo! We had followed this gorgeous group of men dressed as schoolboys (I tried really hard to get a picture, they were adorable!) and found ourselves at a gay club (surrounded by beauty, I might add), where some dude offered to introduce me to his "pirate" friend. Unfortunately, she wasn't hot and I just wasn't drunk enough!

Las Palmas, the capital of Gran Canaria/Canary Islands

The beach and sand dunes in Maspalomas

The rest of the week we spent in the Mingarellis' little home town in Sardina, where they live in a cute condo by the beach. Outnumbered 1 Jahangir to 4 Mingarellis, I was coaxed into getting on a body board and surfing for the first time ever. Oli showed me how to duck a wave, paddle and stay on a board - unfortunately the last skill was not mastered before I left!

One of the M's catching a wave

The beach in Sardina

They even managed to convince us to go snorkeling!

Buildings are built right into the mountains there, very cool.

Galdar is the nearest town where most of the kids hang out, a 10-minute bus ride gets you there from Sardina. That's where we ate yummy churros, had our 2-euro rum-and-cokes, shopped, partied, etc., etc., etc. It's a really cute little town built into a mountain where, quite literally, everyone knows everyones' names and business!

View of Galdar on our way from Sardina

The main plaza and church in Galdar

Partying in Galdar

All in all, it was an amazing trip and was just what I needed. We pretty much just chilled on the beach, surfed and ate lots of delicious seafood for a week. I'm totally missing the ocean now, and my tan, and Oli, A + M!!!


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